Too Much Dental Decay -
Tooth needs to be removed
After Extraction

Dr. Luke and Dr. Marshall's goal is to save primary teeth whenever possible, but there are occasions when an extraction (tooth removal) may be necessary. A child's tooth must be extracted if it is so badly decayed that even pulp therapy will not save the tooth, if it is crowding other teeth, or if the tooth is fractured beyond repair.
If this is the case, then here are some tips to care for your child once you get home after an extraction:
Place an ice pack on any swollen areas for about 20 minutes to decrease inflammation;
Do not participate in any physical activities for the rest of the day and try to get as much rest as possible;
Serve only soft foods for the first 24 hours after the extraction. Avoid hot food and drinks until the anesthesia wears off;
Don’t let your child spit or drink from a straw since the force could dislodge their blood clot;
Watch your child closely so as not to allow him/her to chew his/her cheek or lip;
Have your child continue their normal dental care routine, but they must brush and floss their teeth with an extremely gentle touch. Tell your child to avoid brushing the area of the tooth extraction until it fully heals around the clot. Do not rinse the area for the first 24 hours;
Give your child an over-the-counter or prescribed medication to soothe soreness in their jaw;
Call our office immediately if your child experiences fever, chills, extreme pain, or severe swelling;
Follow any additional dental care directions from Dr. Luke or Dr. Marshall.