Many children are calm, comfortable, and confident in a dental practice which is designed especially for children. Sometimes, however, a child can feel anxious, especially if he/she is very young or had a bad experience at a previous dentist. Your child may then require more support to feel comfortable. In these cases, PDC offers intravenous (IV) sedation which is a deep sleep that insulates your child from the stress and discomfort associated with dental procedures.
IV sedation is a safe, effective technique. PDC provides IV sedation care in partnership with Pediatric Dental Anesthesia Associates. PDAA has been designed to operate with the highest safety standards in mind. They choose only board certified anesthesiologists with an advanced training in pediatric anesthesia. They use the same or higher basic safety standards as hospitals and surgery centers and their practice is certified by risk managers every year.
IV sedation can be completed in our office so there are no hospitals or surgery centers to navigate.